Contact information:

To find out more information or to inquire about scholarships, contact: Camp Director Dr. Gregg Twietmeyer by calling (662) 268-7533 or by emailing him at


About Mississippi State Kinesiology:

The Mississippi State University Department of Kinesiology is housed within the College of Education and features numerous exceptional areas of study for graduate and undergraduate students. Undergraduate students can choose one of five concentrations: Sport Administration, Clinical Exercise Physiology, Performance Fitness, Neuromechanics, and Physical Education and Coaching. Graduate students can choose Sport Administration, Disability Studies, Sport Pedagogy, or Exercise Physiology (clinical exercise physiology or strength and conditioning). Ph.D. Students study exercise science or sport studies.

image1 To contact the MSU Department of Kinesiology:

Phone: (662) 325-2963
Fax: (662)325-4525

Department of Kinesiology
Rice Hall 639
Mississippi State, MS 39762


Volunteering is a great way to
assist the camp.


We could not exist without
community support


Registration is open to special needs children and adults eight years of age and older.